
seminar on action against traffic in women and forced prostitution معنى

  • الحلقة الدراسية المتعلقة بمكافحة الاتجار بالنساء والبغاء القسري
  • seminar    n. سمينار, حلقة در ...
  • on    adv. فوق, عن, حسب; ...
  • action    n. عمل, احداث الرو ...
  • against    prep. ضد, تجاه, با ...
  • traffic    n. حركة السير, حرك ...
  • in    adj. داخلي, حاكم, ...
  • women    n. نساء
  • and    conj. واو العطف, أ ...
  • forced    adj. مكره, مجبر, ق ...
  • forced prostitution    إكراه على البغاء; ...
  • prostitution    n. بغاء, زنى, دعار ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. seminar of ngo sub-committee on assistance to women and children معنى
  2. seminar of the association of west european parliamentarians for action against apartheid on the future of southern africa and europe’s role معنى
  3. seminar of the forum for security cooperation on small arms and light weapons معنى
  4. seminar on a gender perspective of child protection and rights in the context of international peacekeeping معنى
  5. seminar on accounting for sustainable development معنى
  6. seminar on adaptation and integration of immigrants معنى
  7. seminar on administration of multinational integration in latin america معنى
  8. seminar on african disarmament and security معنى
  9. seminar on african opinion in mobilizing support for the struggle against apartheid and racism معنى
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